Sunday, August 23, 2009

And so it begins...

School starts tomorrow. I am trying to be upbeat, but it is not always easy. It is killing me to leave my little girl every day and know that someone else is spending more waking hours with her than I am. She is in EXCELLENT hands with Nonni and Ms. Dana and she LOVES to go. As I leave and hear her little voice say "See ya Mama!", I smile and get a little sad. It will also be hard to see Bhealor a little less. She is becoming a little lady so quickly. It is hard to believe that she was only 3 when this whole journey began. I love to watch her grow and become so independent, but it is bitter sweet. Too bad we can't stop time every now and then.

I know this is meant to be about the girls...I didn't mean to create a pity party. Forgive me. It just seemed as good a place as any to get this off my chest. Besides, is anyone reading my blog anymore?!? I am SO bad about updating it, I think I have lost all of my readers. :o)

In closing, to those of you who get to be with your babies full or part time, cherish it. Know how fortunate you are and don't take it for granted. For those of us going back to caring for other peoples' babies and educate the future (hopefully!), may you have an amazing year!

Thank you for humoring me...I promise more pictures of adorable kids to come!