Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Busy, busy, busy...

Bhealor was playing with a dog and a football helmet. They both turned at the same time and her tooth paid the price! Don't worry...we went to the dentist yesterday to have it fixed and she is back to her old self!

Ella, Nonni & I went to watch Luke test for his yellow belt. He was awesome! We were very proud of him! Ella had fun watching Luke and hanging out with Aunt Tammy.

Here is my bright-eyed princess! It is breaking my heart that I have to go back to work on Monday. I will miss being with her all day. I know how blessed I am to have been able to be off for so long...I will be counting down the days until summer break!

1 comment:

danalafargue said...

Poor Bhealor! I am glad she is no worse for the wear in the end. And Miss Ella is more fabulous each post. And that is a pretty cute boy she's hanging out with. Watch out :-)